Custom Digitizing and Patches

(469) 378-0707

20150 S. Centeral Expressway

Custom Digitizing and Patches

Small Letter Text

Lettering that seems fine on a printout or screen may still be too small to translate to stitching, and produce an illegible mess when embroidered! The minimum height of lettering is 2 inches tall – this is generally about a 20–22-point font size on the screen. Notwithstanding, a decent monogram or a logo having letters consummately inlined establishes a never-ending connection to its watchers. Letter digitizing assumes a significant part with regards to making an eye-snatching custom letter and monogram plan.
Bella Digitizing is a main digitizing specialist organization that goes ahead of the rundown when we talk about letter digitizing. The interaction needs delicacy and accuracy as every letter has an alternate design. Our experts engage in letter digitizing in the most ideal manner