Custom Digitizing and Patches

(469) 378-0707

20150 S. Centeral Expressway

Custom Digitizing and Patches

Bella Digitizers has the capability to digitize virtuallyanything: left and front chest, caps, visors,beanies, jacket backs, gloves, patches, sleeves, towel,golf and other bags, as well as fabricssuch as pique, jersey, fleece, polyester, leather,terry
Most Formats Provided 100, cnd, dsb, dst, dsz, emb,exp, jef, ksm, pes, pof, tap, xxx & othersUnless otherwise instructed by you, we send you digitizedformats in DST only. Please let usknow if you require any other formats for downloadingand/or uploading. Most FormatsAccepted ai, cdr, eps, gif, jpg, pdf, png, psd, tif& others We can digitize from almost anything:scanned garment, hand drawing, photographs- our graphicdesigners will clean up the artworkand if in doubt, we will send you back the artworkfor your approval.
We email you an invoice for each order. You can click on the link in the email that takes you to asecure PayPal™ site where you can make payment throughany credit card of your choice (noregistration with PayPal™ required). You don't haveto share any credit card information with us
We typically price the logo based on the largest size.Smaller ones carry an extra charge of $10.Often for minor size differences, we will not chargeyou. Also, we give special discounts fornames. If you have a certain target price for anylogo, let us know and we’ll attempt to match it
Customers are asked to not provide credit card informationto any of our sales/customer servicereps, or email/fax it to the sales/customer servicenumbers. Payments can be easily madethrough a link that will be sent in the invoice -paypal registration is not required, and all thatisneeded is for the customer to simply enter their creditcard information directly through paypal'ssecure servers. We cannot take any responsibilityfor any credit card information that is providedby the customer directly to a representative or throughemail/fax.