Custom Digitizing and Patches

(469) 378-0707

20150 S. Centeral Expressway

Custom Digitizing and Patches

About Us

Team Bella Digitizing is a recent venture, established
in 2021. It has introduced embroidery digitizing. Embroidery Digitizing is the method of transforming a piece of artwork into a digital file by the use of a software that enables the machines to comprehend the needle’s path and create required designs. The aim of this venture is to provide one of the finest digitizing services, in a time efficient manner with minimal cost. Moreover, Team Bella Digitizing, is highly specialized in the embroidery sphere and our overall experience would lead to the development of high-quality products at a market competitive price. Understanding the design is one of the most crucial part of this process. The placement, size and complexity of the artwork will all take part in the designing process. Thus, it is our utmost responsibility to digitize your designs with maximum care. We are fully aware of the operations of our
machinery which would help to customize the designs that= our machines can work on effectively, with minimal thread loss. We are aware of the fact that embroidery work is quite challenging but we are determined to overcome any obstacles that come ahead and continue to provide our customers with high quality products in a timely manner. Hence, our operations are configured to keep up the next-day turnover. The Bella Digitizing team appreciates you for showing interest in our services!


We excel at paying attention to minor details, plan event schedules, and manage tasks effectively which makes us distinct from others. Providing creativity, timely deliveries, and reasonable prices is our foremost objective. Our pro efficient team provide multiple backgrounds of digitizing, public relations, branding, research and strategic arrangement for your product. We aim to provide products that will not only appear pleasing but will prove to be pre-eminent as well.
At Bella Digitizing, We:

  • Hire skilled and experienced workers to create perfect designs.
  • Offer designs at the most reasonable prices in the industry. 
  • Use the latest software. Accommodate suitable and easy payment and billing options, inclusive of detailed bills and invoices.
  • Preserve the favorable standards in embroidery digitizing to offer you ideal embroidery designs, with competence, satisfaction and affordable prices.
  • Offer excellent customer service.
Call to ask any question (469) 306-0557

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)
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